Practice Forgiveness; Improve Your Health

If you think that practicing forgiveness is not that big a deal, think again. Some of the top healthcare organizations recommend practicing forgiveness; think Mayo Clinic and Johns Hopkins. Forgiveness is at the foundation of many religious beliefs. There is a good reason for this! Forgiveness helps you. When you forgive, you find peace. Forgiveness does not mean you have excused or condoned a...
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Forest Bathing, Seriously? Yes!

    When I started my coaching business in 2021 I wrote a blog about Forest Bathing (Yes! It’s a thing!) I was very excited that our local publication Main Street Magazine published my article in their February 2021 digital edition! So take a look! Forest Bathing, Seriously? Yes! Here in New England our days are getting shorter, but there are still a few months ahead to enjoy...
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Campfires: Do They Offer the Same Benefit as Meditation?

Well, I’m just going to be straight up about the health benefits of campfires. As I was researching this blog, I was fairly certain that I would find loads of proof that watching a campfire would provide the same benefits for the immune system as does a solid meditation practice. Nope! I could not find any scientific backing that would confirm my belief that campfires, or fireplace fires are...
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